Friday, March 23, 2007

A Lesson On Catching Online Predators!

The wonderful thing about site-meter and other trackers is that they even show the cyber-stalkers referring url. When that link (referring url) is clicked by the page owner in the "manager option", the page owner is then taken to the EXACT page or search engine in which the visitor/cyberstalker came in on. Not only that, but if the referring url was Google, Yahoo, MSN Search, etc... it will take the page owner to that exact page, and will even reveal the search words, names and terms that were used just as the cyber-stalker typed it in. In other words, the cyberstalkers every step can be traced and in some cases the page owner can reveal other habits such as porn searches, etc by the stalker.

Example: On March 21st 2007, at 12:46 pm, an individual (also using NUVOX) in Easley, SC used Google blog search, and HERE is the page with the search word in which they used/entered on.

So after the records (kept in code) from last fall in which the "Harbinger" and "Knightrider" were traced through a previous Yahoo account and were revealed to be from the same computer(s), I have already begun taking prosecutable measures to remedy the situation.

Like sands through the Hourglass, so numbered are the days of the stalker...

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